British River Card

Card, front view


[Image ID]

A landscape greetings card featuring a river scene with British wildlife. A grey heron is stood amongst reeds in the bottom left corner, a brown otter is swimming in the river near the bottom right. Behind them, a number of yellowy-green lily pads and accompanying pink flowers stick up above the river surface. The background consists of a cloudless blue sky and tall, light green, trees. [Description end]


I’d been waiting for the right opportunity to use the lovely wildlife stamps from creative stamping 86 in a full scene, and this card, made for someone who enjoys wildlife, seemed perfect.

card, tilted view


[Image ID 2]

A photo of the card tilted, where the sparkly river and lily flowers are move evident. [Description end]


I added sparkly embossing powder to the water (by lightly swiping the embossing inkpad across the panel) to replicate the way water sparkles in the sun.


Watercolour paints

Stamps from Creative Stamping Magazine (Issue 86)

Stickles (Stardust)

Embossing Powder (Aventurine) - WOW
