Inktober 2021: days 7-12

Here are the second set of six Inktober paintings. In case you missed it, the first post, containing days 1-6, can be found here.

The 7th prompt was ‘Fan’.

day 7, Fan

[Image ID] Watercolour painting of a traditional fan with a wooden frame. The pattern on the fan is floral. The flowers are a mixture of cherry blossom and roses. The roses are stylised and are light pink. The cherry blossoms are painted a darker pink with yellowy centres. There are 5 roses, of different sizes, spread across the fan and 4 cherry blossoms are interspersed between the roses. Yellowy gold tendrils link the flowers together and there are various sized dots, in the same colour as the tendrils, in clusters in the spaces. Some of the background of the fan material is still visible. [description end]


I enjoyed being able to take the prompt literally and focus on the designs on the fan itself! Beyond intending it to be floral, I didn’t plan the pattern in advance and instead added the elements as I went along.

Day 7, Fan, tilted

[Image ID] photo of the painting tilted to show the sparkle effects [description end]


Prompt 8 was ‘watch’. 

Day 8, Watch

[Image ID] Watercolour landscape painting with a sloth based character, of my own design, peeping through a gap in the rock. The sky is blue and purple with a yellow sun, just above the horizon, peeping round a grey rocky outcrop. Well weathered sand coloured cliffs fill the foreground and the sloth based character is holding onto the edge of a u-shaped hole with their 3-toed claws and peering through to watch what is going on the other side of the camera so to speak. The fur and claws are magenta and 3 light pink paddle shaped plumes sit on the top of its head. It has no face as such, instead it has a large grey and white eye where a face would be. The land between the cliffs and the rock outcrop is brown and grey with a crevasse going through the middle [description end]


The idea of a creature ‘watching’ something from round a corner appealed to me, and this is what I came up with. The composition of this piece changed quite a lot from my initial September sketch, but the idea remained the same. You may recognise the creature peeking around the rock formation, as she is the one from my logo. Cycloth is also quite appropriate for the prompt, considering her large singular eye!

Prompt 9 was ‘pressure’.

Day 9, pressure,

[Image ID] Watercolour painting of a system of pipes of different sizes passing in front of and behind each other. The focal point of the picture is a large central pipe going from just left of centre at the top to just right of centre at the bottom, via a series of 90 degree bends. In the centre of the main downward section of the pipe is a large pressure dial. The centre of that dial has 4 sections. The left section is the smallest and is green. The next section is yellow and the one after that is orange. The final section is red. The black arrow indicating the pressure level is shown at the high end of the orange section [description end]


Inktober prompts always produce a variety of reactions, and this was one I particularly enjoyed.

The actual painting process was fairly simple, but doing the layers of colour for the weathering and rust on the central pipe was really fun.

Prompt 10, ‘pick’

Day 10, Pick

[Image ID] Watercolour painting of a fantasy landscape inspired by WildWorks’ game Behind a grassy mound is an expanse of blue sky with a couple of grey clouds. Towards the top left of the picture is a dark blue ray like being which is flying through the sky. A locked purple and gold chest is standing on the grassy mound. Nearby are 5 broken lock picks of the kind used in the game to unlock chests. [description end]


I struggled to come up with any ideas for the prompt, but eventually settled for broken lock picks on the ground near a treasure chest. This scene is inspired by the game by WildWorks. I have depicted things from a couple of times before, and the lockpick and chest system from the game happened to be convenient for the prompt.

Other Feral inspired artwork can be found here.

Prompt 11 was ‘sour’.

Day 11, Sour

[Image ID] Watercolour painting of some corked storage jars on a grey surface and some lemon slices hanging from a wooden beam. It was inspired by the idea of a medieval apothecary. An irregular tree branch wooden beam goes across the top of the picture from left to right. Near the left hand end of the beam are different sized slices of lemon attached to twine. In the bottom right hand corner are 2 brown storage jars. The jar on the left of the pair is short and squat and the one on the right is about twice as tall as the one on the left. They both have cork stoppers and paper labels, browned with age, with indecipherable writing on them. [description end]


The idea behind this painting was the dried plants and old jars of a medieval apothecary.

Prompt 12 was ‘stuck’.

Day 12, Stuck

[Image ID] Watercolour landscape painting. The sky is purple, pink & yellow. The hilly landscape is inspired by lonely, isolated places like you might find on Dartmoor. The focal point of the picture is a standing stone all alone in the middle of a small pond. The glow of the sunrise is casting a strong shadow from the stone towards the bottom right hand corner of the picture. [description end]


It was a nicely open-ended prompt, and I decided to paint a lone standing stone ‘stuck’ in a pool of water after a rain shower. This does actually happen to some standing stones, particularly in places like Dartmoor.

The stone is ‘stuck’ in both the sense of being ‘within the pool’ and being ‘alone in a remote location’.