Callanish in Gouache

Callanish in Gouache painting

[Image ID] A landscape painted in gouache. The sky is blue and the sun is peeping out from behind the clouds. A set of hills rises across the horizon from left to right. The foreground is a grassy area with a line of standing stones, of various heights, stretching away towards the distant hills [description end]


I recently got a set of gouache paints, and this was my first serious attempt at using them. I decided to start with a familiar subject, so based this on a postcard of the Callanish Stone circle I have on the wall above my desk. The colouring of the stones in this painting is nothing like that of the real thing, but I wanted to focus on capturing the effect of strong late-afternoon sunshine.

This piece was definitely a learning curve, not least because gouache paint is a lot brighter than watercolour, but it still turned out nice in the end. I enjoyed the different properties and consistency of the paint, as it enables me to adopt a painting style that is more similar to what I use in my digital artwork.

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