Heron Photos

I spotted this heron by chance whilst out for a walk and It was kind enough to stand there and let me photograph it. This is a collection of the best shots from that occasion.

Heron photo 1


[Image ID] On the right hand-side of this first photo a heron is stood looking over the rowing lake, with its neck in a back to front S-shape. Its black and white head markings are clear to see and its left leg is bent. [description end]


Heron photo 2

[Image ID] In this second photo the heron has turned to the left so its whole head is now in profile. [description end]


Heron photo 3
[Image ID] In this third photo, the heron is back looking over the lake but this time its beak is open and black and white markings on the front of its neck are visible. [description end]

Heron photo 4

[Image ID] In this fourth photo the heron looks very regal as it looks out across the lake. It is standing up almost to its full height and has a much straighter neck than in the previous photos. [description end]


Heron photo 5


[Image ID] In this final photo the heron was caught in motion as it put its head underwater. Where its head went down only splashing water is visible. [description end]


This photo was a surprise success! I’d set my camera to rapid shoot, just kept taking pictures, and one just happened to come out nicely.

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