Barnwell Birds

Photo 1

[Image ID 1] A pair of Canadian geese. The front one is facing to the left and the one behind is facing right. The black neck feathers glisten in the sunlight. [description end]


In this photography post I share a collection of photos I took at Barnwell nature reserve and country park, Northamptonshire.

Photo 2

[Image ID 2] A female Mandarin duck facing right. She has a grey head and a white spectacle marking round her eye. Her back feathers are brown whilst her front and side markings are like white fingerprints on a brown background. [description end]


Photo 3


[Image ID 3] A male Mandarin duck facing right. His colours and markings are distinct and shiny in the sunlight. [description end]


Photo 4


[Image ID 4] A front on view of a Canadian goose. There is a clear reflection of its black neck and the strong ripple effect almost looks like an oil spill pattern. [description end]


Photo 5

[Image ID 5] Two Canadian geese facing to the right and a Mandarin duck in the top right swimming towards the geese. The water in the immediate foreground is a strong blue colour. The main ripple and reflection, where the birds are, makes the water look a shiny silvery grey. [description end]


Photography ©Dragonsflyatsunset 2022, all rights reserved.