Sandringham Photos

photo 1

[Image ID] A photo of the front of Sandringham House from across the garden. A Union Jack is flying at full mast above the house. The house is mostly red brick with yellow stone on the bay and oriel windows as well as the entrance porch. There are 2 turrets. The back one is taller and has a silvery, grey dome whilst the front one has a coppery green dome. Trees and bushes in the mid-ground frame the right hand side whilst the wide girth of the trunk of a tree frames the whole of the left side of the photo. [description end]


I visited the gardens at Sandringham over the summer, and this post features a collection of my favourite photos from the trip. This was the first view of the house from the path I walked along and I thought the various trees dotted across the lawns created an interesting framing effect around the building.

photo 2

[Image ID] This second photo is like looking through a peephole at a small section of the house. The “stamp size” view you get is of the stone bay in the centre with red brick and windows either side. The peephole effect is because of the trees in the mid-ground framing the small bit of the house you can see. Fir branches frame the foreground on the left side of the photo and a large tree frames it on the right. [description end]


Although the house is barely visible in this picture I still thought the glimpse of a few windows between the foliage made an interesting photo.

Photo 3

[Image ID] An end view of the house taken from the flower garden. The house is the focal point and in this view you can see decorations above and below the windows. Over a hedge and some bushes on the left hand side 2 domes are visible. The furthest away is small and on top of a roof. The other is adjacent to the house and has a black clock with gold hands beneath it. The foreground is some tall flowers, reds, purples and white in front of the two hedges either side of a path heading towards the house. [description end]


Photo 4

[Image ID] A close up view of the front of the house. It shows a distinct difference in style between the 2 sides of the house either side of the porch. The left side is more ornate and fancy. The right side is much plainer with the decoration made with different colours of brick and no stone embellishments. The windows are not as fancy either, although the ground floor ones are arched. [description end]


I found the strong stylistic divide in Sandringham’s architecture quite interesting, so I took this photo to show the contrast between the two ends of the building.

Photo 5

[Image ID] The background of this photo is lots of different branches and green foliage. The focal point is a branch in the foreground which has a mixture of green leaves and leaves in autumn colour on it. The autumn colour is a mix of yellow, orange and brown. [description end]


The gardens couldn’t seem to decide what season they were in on the day I visited, as in some places there were cyclamen, and in others it had already turned autumnal - like the tree in this photo.

Photo 6

[Image ID] In this photo the eye is led along a garden path that disappears into the distance, which then causes you to look at the foliage and colours around it. To the right of the path the foliage is mostly green with small patches of red and orange on the tips of some of the leaves. To the left of the path the foliage is mostly green in a variety of hues and shades. Framing the picture on the left is the red, orange, brown and purple leaves of an Acer. [description end]


Photo 7

[Image ID] A close up photo of a bush showing the woody, treelike stems creating the effect of an entrance to a tunnel. Brown leaves on the soil going into the centre of the bush with dark soil beyond reinforce the tunnel like effect. [description end]


It is quite fascinating how the dense foliage of a hedge hides a multitude of thin wavy branches on the inside. I hadn’t seen a hedge with an exposed end like this before, so I decided to capture it on camera.

Photo 8

[Image ID] A photo of some of the blue butterflies in an art installation, raising money for a local hospice. The blue ceramic butterflies on black metal rods are in the foreground with boulders, a pond and a variety of plants behind. [description end]


My visit was during the blue butterfly event, and the final few photos in this post are of the ceramic butterflies displayed in a small area of the garden. The display was similar in style to the ceramic poppies which were displayed at the Tower of London a few years ago.

Photo 9

[Image ID] A close up of one of the ceramic butterflies allowing you to see the veining on the wings. [description end]


Although in distance photos the butterflies look flat, they were actually quite detailed when seen close to.

Photo 10

[Image ID] A photo showing lots of the blue, ceramic butterflies within a border of plants. [description end]


It was a nice sunny day when I visited, and I really liked the way the light reflected in this photo.

photography ©Dragonsflyatsunset 2022, all rights reserved.