Verulamium Roman Theatre

This selection of photos were taken in January at the remains of the roman theatre associated with Verulamium Museum (St Albans). The low winter sun helped to create some very dramatic lighting in a few of the photos.

Photo 1

[Image ID] View across the remains of the Roman theatre in St. Albans in bright sunshine. A steep bank surrounds the mounds and remains of walls in the centre. A large lens flare effect from the sun dominates the left of the photo.[description end]

This photo, and the one after, were taken in almost the same place – yet a little time and a different camera setting created starkly different lighting effects.

Photo 2

[Image ID] The same view as photo 1 but with a darker and more atmospheric feeling to it. There is also less lens flare.[description end]

Photo 3

[Image ID] View across the centre of the theatre. The two central features in this photo are a reconstructed wooden stage, on the right, and the remains of a pedestal based column on the left. [description end]

These two photos give an idea of what the theatre site looks like. The raised platform in the centre of the ruins is apparently a stage used for open air performances during the summer.

Photo 4

[Image ID] View of a small part of the stage and the surrounding grassed mounds with a high steep bank surrounding it all. [description end]

Photo 5

[Image ID] Dramatic skyscape, with a large, thick, white wall of cloud on the right with blue sky above. A tree is silhouetted against the less white cloud on the left. [description end]

I originally took this photo for the silhouette of the tree, but once I’d taken it I realised that the clouds had formed an interesting ‘wall’ across the sky.

Photo 6

[Image ID] Close up view of the tree silhouette. This brings the cloud closer too and almost makes the large white cloud appear as though it has a large mouth open ready to swallow up the tree! [description end]

Photo 7

[Image ID] Dramatic skyscape with dark, strong diagonal lines of cloud and rain just above the tree tops. [description end]

Another interesting cloud formation – I’d never seen such obvious diagonal lines of cloud before.

Photo 8

[Image ID] A more distant view of the diagonal cloud, on the horizon behind the trees. [description end]

Photography ©Dragonsflyatsunset 2023, all rights reserved.