Inktober 2024: 14 - Roam

Inktober 14 - Roam

[Image ID] A watercolour painting of a Bronze Age walkway. [description end]

For the prompt ‘Roam’ this initially seems like a bit of an odd choice, but there’s a story to the twiggy mess which takes up most of the painting. I was inspired by the prehistoric wooden causeway at Flag Fen, which was built to enable people in that era to get around more easily as the water in the fens got deeper. I based my painting on some murals at the museum which show the walkway as a long line with tall wooden posts at jaunty angles on either side.

If you'd like to see my other Inktober pieces from this year, click here to visit the 2024 Inktober tag.

Artwork ©Dragonsflyatsunset 2024, all rights reserved.